The Made in Guyana standards mark is a registered mark that aims to provide recognition to locally manufactured products. It focuses on creating national competitiveness for authentic Guyanese products certified under the Programme, while also creating and promoting brand recognition of locally manufactured Guyanese Products. The Made in Guyana Standards Mark Programme will also provide a framework for the development of quality systems within our local content thus enabling a quality revolution, pushing Guyanese businesses to the forefront of quality on a national, regional, and international level.
The Made in Guyana Standards Mark Programme is a voluntary programme and it is available to all local Manufacturers that are desirous of being certified under this programme.
This programme is in keeping with the (GNBS) Act No. 11 of 1984, which authorizes the GNBS to use its Made in Guyana Certification Mark on products with set criteria that are compliant with the terms and conditions of this Programme
How to apply
Inquire: Contact Certification Services Department on 219-0064-66 or email
Apply: Complete and submit an application form. Click here for the Application formĀ
Assessments: GNBS conducts site visits & audits
Certification: Once approval is granted, the certificate is prepared and issued with terms and conditions.
Certification is valid for 1 year and is monitored.
