A wise person once said, “Safety doesn’t happen by accident.” If you stop to think about that quote, you will…
GDF Medical Laboratory – Providing certified care to soldiers and staff The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Medical Corps provides services…
GNBS – Offering Technical Assistance to Companies Implementing the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
The rapid transformation of our economy due to oil and gas has pushed most local businesses to relook and reorient…
GNBS – Meeting Industries’ Needs with Traceable and Reliable Calibration Services
As industries increase demand for traceable and accurate measurements, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) continues to build capacity…
Critical National Standards Developed to Guide Petroleum Industry
As one of the pioneers of low carbon development, Guyana is moving ahead with plans to develop its natural resources…
GNBS Welcomes Proposals for The Development of New and Crucial National Standards
As our local economy transforms and expands with new industries, businesses, products and services, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards…
GNBS STAKEHOLDER FEATURE – GFSA: Promoting Food Safety Through Standards
Food safety is important as it helps to protect consumers from the risk of food-borne illnesses. It also helps to prevent…
New National Standard Addresses Sale of Used Motor Vehicles
Most of the vehicles on our roadways today were imported into Guyana as used motor vehicles. There are also instances…
GNBS To Continue the Aggressive Monitoring of Products for Compliance This Year
The monitoring of products in any country for compliance to standards is essential to ensure consumers get the level of…
GNBS – Building Capacity to Expand Monitoring, Testing of Crude
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) has significant roles in both offshore and onshore activities as it relates to…