Medical Laboratory Professionals play a vital role in quality control and healthcare. Conducting examinations and analyses of fluids, cells and materials, these personnel help to provide accurate diagnosis for patient care and aid in the delivery of reliable healthcare. This week, laboratories in the public and private sectors are joining in the observance of Medical Lab Professionals’ Week under the theme “The Future is Lab.”
Laboratories are among the key stakeholders of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS). The GNBS, under its Laboratory Certification programme, certifies clinical and testing laboratories to the National Standard, GYS 170: 2021 “General requirements for the operation of a laboratory”. This standard allows the laboratory to develop a comprehensive management system, which supports the daily functions of lab professionals to deliver accurate and reliable test results.
To attain and maintain certification to the GYS 170 Standard, the work of laboratory professionals is important. The GNBS constantly engages Lab Managers, Supervisors, Technicians and support staff through training, internal audits and other certification related activities, which helps them to perform optimally. Oftentimes, these lab personnel are seen to function as an extension of the Bureau as it seeks to promote and implement standards in the health sector, and therefore it is necessary for the GNBS to acknowledge their invaluable services during Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW).
MLPW originated in 1975 and occurs each year in the last week of April. Lab Week provides an opportunity to increase public awareness and understanding, and appreciation for laboratory professionals. No doubt, with the prevalence of so many sicknesses and diseases, we must appreciate the importance of the tests provided by these health professionals during the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.
In addition, April is designated Occupational Safety and Health Month and the Bureau also has a National Standard for Safety in laboratories. The GYS 235:2024 “General requirements for safety in laboratories” standard specifies the general requirements for a laboratory safety management system to protect its employees and others. It is applicable to any laboratory that wishes to implement, maintain, and improve an Occupational Safety and Health Management System. The standard addresses document and data control and the use of personal protective equipment among other requirements.
Meanwhile, available at the GNBS are other laboratory standards including the GYS 223: 2018 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration Laboratories” which is adopted from the ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 standard, the GYS 265 : 2023 Medical Laboratories – requirements for quality and competence which is adopted from the ISO 15189: 2022 standard and the GYS 475 : 2022 Medical laboratories – Requirements for safety which is adopted from the ISO 15190 :2020 standard.
Finally, as Medical Laboratories across Guyana implement National and International Standards to ensure systems are in place for accuracy, safety, reliability and more, those who depend on their services can be assured of the quality of these services. The GNBS will continue to support laboratory professionals as the advance local healthcare into the future.
